In today's globalized world, cross-border wire transfers have become a fundamental aspect of international commerce and personal finance.

In today's globalized world, cross-border wire transfers have become a fundamental aspect of international commerce and personal finance. Small businesses increasingly source goods or raw materials from abroad, needing to pay their suppliers, while individuals relocate for work or study, necessitating international transfers between friends and family members. However, traditional banking methods often come with challenges, from lack of transparency and high costs to sluggish speeds and limited traceability. FinTechs have emerged as a force to be reckoned with in the field of international payments over the last 10 years, addressing many of these challenges, all via consumer-friendly applications and websites. Banks have taken notice, however, and are fighting back with new capabilities of their own.

Challenges with Traditional Cross-Border Wire Transfers

  • Lack of Transparency: Most banking customers lack information about how much the beneficiary will receive, when they will get their money, and what the foreign exchange rate will be.
  • High Costs: International wire transfer fees can often exceed $40, with hidden markups in the foreign exchange rate further increasing the cost.
  • Slow Processing Times: Traditional cross-border wire transfers can take several business days to complete, frustrating those used to near-instant domestic payments.
  • Limited Traceability: Courier companies have made tracking a package on its international journey from origination to delivery at its destination a breeze for years, yet knowledge of the whereabouts of a bank wire transfer on a similar journey is much harder to come by.
  • Unnecessary Complexity: Varying country requirements can complicate the transfer process, with banks often requesting more information than necessary, adding to the sender's burden.

Cross-border payments are expected to skyrocket from USD 190 trillion in 2023 to a staggering USD 290 trillion by 2030. Are you ready for the transformation?

— Fabio Panetta, European Central Bank

The Rise of FinTech Solutions

FinTech providers have disrupted the financial industry, addressing these pain points and capturing market share from traditional banks. Inspired by the success of domestic P2P payment applications like PayPal and Venmo, companies like Wise, Remitly, and Xoom offer better, faster, and cheaper solutions for those needing to send money overseas.

FinTech solution providers have the edge in many of the areas that traditional bank consumers care about:

  • Usability and Simplicity: FinTech apps and websites provide clear, step-by-step guidance for initiating payments, receiving funds, requesting money, and paying bills.
  • Transparency: Users receive upfront information about fees, FX rates, and delivery times, ensuring full awareness of costs and timing.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: FinTechs leverage technology and techniques like netting and volume-based buying strategies to keep costs low, passing savings on to customers.
  • Speed and Efficiency: Many FinTechs claim that 80% of payments reach the beneficiary within 2 hours, offering reassurance with transparent timeframe guidance.
  • Enhanced Traceability: Real-time tracking capabilities allow users to monitor their transfers' progress every step of the way.

The Role of SWIFT in Transforming Cross-Border Payments

While FinTechs have made significant strides, traditional banks are not standing still. The Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT) together with the banking community, has introduced new services to empower banks and compete with FinTechs.

  • SWIFT Go: Simplifies cross-border payments for small to medium-sized businesses and consumers, offering a fast, cost-effective, and transparent solution.
  • SWIFT GPI Tracker: Provides end-to-end tracking and transparency for cross-border payments, giving customers greater visibility and final confirmation once funds are credited.
  • SWIFT Pre-Validation: Reduces errors and delays by validating key payment information upfront, ensuring smoother processing.
  • SWIFTRef: Offers accurate, up-to-date information on counterparties, currencies, and payment routing, facilitating compliance and reliability.
  • SWIFT Observer: Provides unique insights on end-to-end payment transactions, helping banks optimize speed, currency conversion, routing, and efficiency.

SWIFT's innovations, such as SWIFT Go and GPI Tracker, are helping banks enhance their cross-border payment services, providing transparency and speed. Discover how banks are evolving.

By embracing these new services, banks can modernize their classic cross-border wire transfer service, and significantly improve the experience their customers receive when they login to mobile banking or online banking to send money overseas. When you also factor in the added advantages that banks have, notably their reputation for security, that may tip the balance of power back towards the banks in the arms race for cross-border payments superiority and market share.

Technology continues to bring new opportunities, with generative AI (GenAI) having immense potential. GenAI could help customers choose payment routing options, lock in FX rates, and refine delivery timeframes based on various factors.


The landscape of cross-border wire transfers is undergoing profound transformation, driven by  a combination of FinTech innovation and new banking capabilities that leverage their historical strengths including breadth of reach and reputation for security. While FinTechs have dramatically improved the consumer experience, banks are rising to the challenge with modern technologies and services of their own. This competition promises a future where international transactions are faster, cheaper, and more seamless than ever. The future of cross-border payments is bright, with the consumer being the big winner.

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